The process by which new information displaces older information in short-term memory could explain why someone, for example, could remember a phone number and suddenly he or she will forget the last three digits of the number. In order to avoid this, we can enhance our short-term memory skill by chunking or having a rehearsal.
They are all the right answer.
This is an opinion question, you can put any of them and you will get it right. I would put George Washington, if they ask why then say that you disagree with his policies.
The preschool educational television program Sesame Street was first aired on public broadcasting television stations November 10, 1969, and reached its 50th season in 2019. The history of Sesame Street has reflected changing attitudes to developmental psychology, early childhood education, and cultural diversity.
English Parliament
The House of Burgesses was a legislature that started out in Jamestown but was later moved to Williamsburg. The House of Burgesses gave the Americans 157 years of head start in democracy. That's why when it got time to the Declaration of Independence, they were handling the democratic government quite well.
B. Actions to save lives, protect property and the environment, stabilize communities, and meet basic human needs following an incident.