The white Americans didn't want the slaves to learn how to read and write because if they did the slaves would've read the bible and knew that it was about them.
They would've known that Africa was the motherland and that they were the first people on earth and that they were worth more than the white Americans told them. The white Americans wanted to control the slaves and keep them in fear of them that's why they beat them every time they caught a slave trying to read it. Even when the slave pastors would try to have church the white Americans would tell them what to preach and if they didn't do as they said the white Americans would beat them or even kill them.
The legacy of the plunder and colonization has been the expansion of capitalism as system and the massive accumulation of capitalists—and “their” nation-states—at the expense of greatly weakened states and economies in Africa.
The North was fighting for reunification, and the South for independence. But as the war progressed, the Civil War gradually turned into a social, economic and political revolution with unforeseen consequences. The Union war effort expanded to include not only reunification, but also the abolition of slavery
The Bataan Death March was a incident during the midst of World War Two. Just after the Battle of Bataan between Filipino and American forces against the Japanese. This Battle was fought in the Luzon island during the Japanese invasion of the Philippines. After the Battle in April 1942 over 80,000 American and Filipino POWs (Prisoners Of War) had to walk from Saysain Point, Bagac, Bataan and Mariveles to Camp O'Donnell, Capas, Tarlac. Many lives were lost due to heat exhaustion, tiredness, execution, etc.
My response would be to also increase our nuclear warheads by 10,000 units
We always want to be at the same level as our enemy or even better if we could