Laertes' use of the word "subject" in two different meanings emphasizes his point about justifying Hamlet's indecision and melancholy. Hamlet may be a prince but his power is limited because he is "subject" or must submit to his fate or destiny. This strenghtens his argument.
Answer: talking with food in their mouth or chewing loudly
So many things can annoy people! But try your best not to let it bother you even though it is extremely difficult!
Answer: C. Selflessness.
According to Defoe, a servant's best quality is selflessness. The ideal of a servant in <em>Robinson Crusoe</em> is Friday. Friday is an indigenous person from the Caribbean. He is rescued by Crusoe, and becomes his servant. Friday is a key figure in the novel, and an example of the selflessness Defoe values. Friday is willing to give anything for Crusoe, and he even asks to be killed rather than being forced to leave the service of his master.
the question is not understantable