This is
The exciting combination of sight and sound conjures up visions of dragons roaring proudly, breathing fire, and flying through the midnight sky. Determined to find out if dragons really could have existed, I set out on a factual search.
Scientists presented evidence to show why dragons couldn't and did not exist. They said that if dragons had lived, someone would have found remains somewhere in the world.
I noticed that all cultures around the world described dragons in a similar way. I found notes on dragons in old legal documents and in the travel diaries of people like Marco Polo. Dragons are included along with eleven royal animals.
If you create stomach gas like birds do, you could create enough to lift yourself off the ground. If you expel air while diving towards land, it could release gases that could ignite. When the animal died, the stomachs would release strong acids that would dissolve its corpse over time.
Some will believe with all their hearts that legendary creatures roamed our ancient world. I'm not sure which side to believe, but the sound and fury of a night like this make me smile.
<span>A. The snowflake seems uncertain and hesitant.</span>
Banquo is skeptical of the Witches’ intentions and remains unconvinced of the Witches’ prophecy. Banquo warns Macbeth that “instruments of darkness” often tell half-truths “to win us to our harm” (1.3.125–126). While the Witches have prophesied great futures for both Macbeth and Banquo, Banquo is less inspired and intrigued than Macbeth and would rather leave the matter safely alone.
The paragraph first says what is being compared and contrasted, then it says what they have in common by using the word "both." The phrase "on the other hand" shows that they're being contrasted.
In Chapter 2, the description of Scout's first day allows Lee to provide a context for the events to follow by introducing some of the people and families of Maycomb County. By introducing Miss Caroline, who is like a foreigner in the school, Lee also reveals Maycomb culture to the reader. Maycomb county children are portrayed as a mainly poor, uneducated, rough, rural group ("most of them had chopped cotton and fed hogs from the time they were able to walk"), in contrast to Miss Caroline, who wears makeup and "looked and smelled like a peppermint drop." The chapter helps show that a certain amount of ignorance prevails in Maycomb County. The school system, as represented by Miss Caroline, is well-intentioned, but also somewhat powerless to make a dent in patterns of behavior which are deeply ingrained in the town's social fabric.
As seen in the first chapter, where a person's identity is greatly influenced by their family and its history, this chapter again shows that in Maycomb, a child's behavior can be explained simply by his family's last name, as when Scout explains to her teacher "he's a Cunningham." Atticus says that Mr. Cunningham "came from a set breed of men," which suggests that the entire Cunningham line shares the same values. In this case, they have pride: they do not like to take money they can't pay back, and they continue to live off the land in poverty rather than work for the government (in the WPA, FDR's Work Projects Administration). Thus, in Maycomb County, people belong to familial "breeds," which can determine a member's disposition or temperament. All the other children in the class understand this: growing up in this setting teaches children that people can behave a certain way simply because of the family or group that they come from.