If you live near polluted areas you are more likely to get cancer. Like a home near a power plant. But if you live in a house with nature and plants around it or somewhere not polluted you have less of a chance to get cancer.
Biofeedback is related to the behavioral perspective in psychology, It is a technique that measures bodily functions and gives the information about them in order to help the patient or client train to control them voluntarily. It is also known as bio-regulation.
Seminole Wars as far as I am concerned
Siguranta pe internet este foarte importanta la fel ca oricare alta siguranță.
Siguranță pe internet reprezintă faptul ca noi,oamenii putem naviga pe internet fara a avea grija ca cineva ne va sparge ceva cont sau multe altele.
Siguranta pe internet reprezintă o mare si mare importanta pentru noi deoarece cu ajutorul ei putem naviga pe calculator fara grija,fara temeri.
Sper ca te ajuta cat de cat,daca nu îți pot face mai lunguț.Succes!!!!
The correct answer is "They all built on the work of psychoanalyst Sigmund Freud. "
Alfred W. Adler was an Austrian physician and psychotherapist, founder of the school known as individual psychology. He was a collaborator of Sigmund Freud and co-founder of his group, but he departed early from it, in 1911, by diverging on different points of the theory psychoanalytic
- Carl Gustav Jung was a Swiss psychiatrist, psychologist and essayist, a key figure in the early stage of psychoanalysis; later, founder of the school of analytical psychology, also called psychology of complexes and deep psychology. He is often related to Sigmund Freud, who was a collaborator in his beginnings.
- Karen Horney was a German naturalized American psychologist and psychoanalyst. His theories questioned certain traditional points of Sigmund Freud's thought, such as, for example, that psychological differences between man and woman are not an inherent product of human biology, but that they owe their origin to various cultural and social factors. His thinking is classified within neofreudism.