They drove the Titans away because the Titans tried to kill the gods and their father, Kronos, ate Jupiter's older siblings, Jupiter is the youngest of Kronos's children.
In some democratic countries some people think that some politicians are corrupt. For example, in my Country of origin Nicaragua the political Leader Daniel Ortega was known as a president but may people thought he was corrupt in the country meanwhile many other countries were not aware of this and did not take action until he declared himself a dictator and reelected himself various times. Nicaragua was known as a Democratic country that turned into a dictatorship. Daniel Ortega makes more money than the president of the United States just as a political leader who opresses his people. That has happened to some countries and may people in democratic countries fear this. That is only one reason i give. The others include problems like immigration, justice and human rights, unemployment rates, poverty rate, standard of living, political corruption, safety, crime rates, economic problems, push/pull factors and many other things. Example, Mexico is a great country that is democratic but its crime rate is extremely high in some areas specially near the borders. This and many other things.