Conditioned stimulus
Classical conditioning is a learning procedure in which a biologically potent stimulus paired with previously neutral stimulus. This pairing will cause a response that can be the same as the potent stimulus. This is done repeatedly for an organism to elicit a conditioned response to the previously neutral stimulus that was paired to the active stimulus. The dog salivates due to the idea that food is related to the sound of the bell.
Implications of natural selection in shaping 99.4% nonsynonymous DNA identity between humans and chimpanzees: enlarging genus Homo. we compare approximately 90 kb of coding DNA nucleotide sequence from 97 human genes to their sequenced chimpanzee counterparts and to available sequenced gorilla, orangutan, and Old World monkey counterparts, and, on a more limited basis, to mouse. The nonsynonymous changes (functionally important), like synonymous changes (functionally much less important), show chimpanzees and humans to be most closely related, sharing 99.4% identity at nonsynonymous sites and 98.4% at synonymous sites. On a time scale, the coding DNA divergencies separate the human-chimpanzee clade from the gorilla clade at between 6 and 7 million years ago and place the most recent common ancestor of humans and chimpanzees at between 5 and 6 million years ago. The evolutionary rate of coding DNA in the catarrhine clade (Old World monkey and ape, including human) is much slower than in the lineage to mouse. Among the genes examined, 30 show evidence of positive selection during descent of catarrhines. Nonsynonymous substitutions by themselves, in this subset of positively selected genes, group humans and chimpanzees closest to each other and have chimpanzees diverge about as much from the common human-chimpanzee ancestor as humans do. This functional DNA evidence supports two previously offered taxonomic proposals: family Hominidae should include all extant apes; and genus Homo should include three extant species and two subgenera, Homo (Homo) sapiens (humankind), Homo (Pan) troglodytes (common chimpanzee), and Homo (Pan) paniscus (bonobo chimpanzee).
The answer is C=territoriality
This is so because Al's cat may have seen another cat in his 'home'. Cats don't like it when other cats trespass into their territory, so this is a way of marking it.
Mafia gain the interest and scrutiny of the public through their unique and fearful actions.
Mafia gain the interest and scrutiny of the public by threatening people in the society as well as killing some of them. The main aim of Mafia is to earn money so they perform many actions in order to gain money from the public such as extortion, kidnapping etc.
The person who gives money to Mafia is safe but that person who refuses to pay money to Mafia will gain the punishment of death so we can say that in this way Mafia gain the interest of the public.
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The heat transfers from the air of higher temperature to the can which has lower temperature.
In thermodynamics, heat is the transfer of energy from a higher temp to a lower temp.