The answer and procedures of the exercise are attached in a microsoft excel document.
Please consider the data provided by the exercise. If you have any question please write me back. All the exercises are solved in a single sheet with the formulas indications.
the key to answer this question is to remember that valuation of a bond depends basically of calculating the present value of a series of cash flows, so let´s think about a bond as if you were a lender so you will get interest by the money you lend (coupon) and at the end of n years you will get back the money you lend at the beginnin (principal), so applying math we have the bond value given by:

so in this particular case that one year later there are 29 years to maturity so we have:

so as we have a higher rate the investment has the next return:

The answer is if the bank cannot make profit on the loan
The correct answer is letter "C": Using one very secure password for all of your major financial accounts.
Using one password -r<em>egardless of how secure it could be</em>- for all the different accounts an individual might have increases the chances that in front of identity theft, the attacker will get the most of the individual's financial assets. <em>It is recommended to have different passcodes with different accounts and avoid using personal information within the passwords.</em>