Socialization is the process in which people learn the language, norms, values, behaviors, etc. that society views as acceptable. It is important for humans because it helps teach us about our cultures society so that one day we can become efficient members. It also helps shape our personalities.
Industrialization - the United States was primarily a farming country up to the Industrial Revolution. With industrialization came a total switch in the types of jobs people performed. Working in a factory or an office is completely different from working a farm.
Immigration - with all these new factory jobs being created the need for cheap almost expendable labor was required. Industries knew this and encouraged immigration; immigrants knew this and flocked to America to work the factories for a decent wage (at least to them). Native-born Americans didn't like this - immigrants took their jobs, and at lower wages!
Urbanization - in the reverse of farming communities, great cities arose surrounded by factories and offices. The jobs were there, but the pollution spewed by industry and the low wages paid was not much of an improvement over dirt-poor farming.
On the whole, the switch from an agrarian society (farming) to an industrial society (big factories in big cities) played havoc with American life. Hope this helps a lot by By Hugi445:)
Due To Scattering, Refraction and Defraction
Red color gets scatted the most. That's why can be seen in the foggy environment, and that;s why traffic light red is the most prominent. In dark, phenomena like scattering, refraction and defraction act together. In the absence of light, scattering can be less and refraction contribute to judge the color of the object. Now between the human eyes and the object, there are two phenomena " refraction and defraction, which makes the watcher spot his shirt as dark grey.
The resulting spectrum can be represented as relative intensity and ... In this paper, we focus on reviewing the data mining methods applied to ... for spectral classification as well as peculiar spectra identification are reviewed in Sects. ... of OB and K type stars in LAMOST are mis-classified as A and G type, ...