noun phrases- the little boy.
verb phrases, - She was walking quickly to the mall.
modifying phrases.-The terms drug overdoses and drug abuse (Rewording a sentence)
I cant do this anymore im tired of the repetitive cycle I'm living , from ego death all the way to being emotionally unavailable I'm just tired and nobody asks why :-) i hope i was able to help you , take care and have a good day.
<span>She thinks he could be a thief, murder, or mentally disturbed person</span>
The best answer is A. Realism means real life. This includes writing about common people and everyday circumstances. Tragedy and extreme circumstances, unusual and terrifying themes, and adventurous and fantastical episodes can occur in unrealistic stories, like fairy tales or science fiction. Hope this helps!
Hhvgj yyhb yy uuuu gyjih tdc