In 1776, he was part of the five-member committee that helped draft the Declaration of Independence, in which the 13 American colonies declared their freedom from British rule. That same year, Congress sent Franklin<span> to France to enlist that nation's help with the Revolutionary War.</span>
Transjordan's formal independence from the UK was agreed in a treaty signed on 22 March 1946 that also provided for 'perpetual peace and friendship' between the two, while providing for continued British support for the Arab Legion and access to military facilities.
human - he will have a human birth and human parents. a perfect teacher of God's law. a great political leader - inspirational and a good judge. able to rebuild the Temple in Jerusalem.The Messiah would be a leader who would guide them into battle against foreign forces occupying Palestine. The Zealots looked forward to a Messiah whom God would send to expel the Romans from Palestine and restore the Kingdom of God to the chosen people. The Essenes also looked forward to the coming of Messiah.The land of Palestine was ruled by the Romans, and many Jews expected the Messiah to be a military figure who would fight the Romans and drive them out. Other Jews were expecting a prophet like Moses. The Jewish people wanted to return to the glory days under their greatest ruler, King David.
the spark that ignited World War I was struck in Sarajevo, Bosnia, where Archduke Franz Ferdinand—heir to the Austro-Hungarian Empire—was shot to death along with his wife, Sophie, by the Serbian nationalist Gavrilo Princip on June 28, 1914.
Combatants: Belgium; Ottoman Empire
Initially it was thought that he had fallen victim to exposure or exhaustion while crossing the Alps and died of freezing, but X-ray examination in 2001 showed that an arrowhead was lodged in the Iceman's left shoulder, suggesting that he had likely bled to death after being shot.