You just multiply top times top and bottom times bottom and then find a number you can divide into the number and you keep doing that until you can't simplify any more.
Poverty in Africa is caused by corruption and poor governance, poor land utilisation and land tenure system, civil wars and unending political conflicts, poor infrastructure, diseases and poor health facilities, the World Bank and IMF policies, among others.
Answer:The answer would be 35 miles per day.
Step-by-step explanation:
We know the x axis is in days and the y axis is the distance in miles. There are only three answers left. We can also cross out 50 miles per day since the rate of change is less then 50. The answer is 35 miles per day because if the rate of change were to be 25 in 4 days the distance would be 100 miles, while is you look at where the point is at it is closer to 150.
Step-by-step explanation:
id.k about 35=8+x+X+X+x+X+x