Answer: I heard that trucks can no longer travel on Grove Street. (N noun)
A clause is formed by a Subject + Verb. We know that clauses can be independent (they can stand alone) or dependent (they can't stand alone).
Dependent clauses can be classified into:
ADV - Adverbial clauses: these are dependent clauses that act as an adverb, modifying a verb, an adjective or another adverb. In general, they make reference to when, where, why<em>, </em>how, how much, or under what circumstance the action takes place, e.g <em>"</em><u><em>Before we go to my mother's house</em></u><em>, we should buy her a present"</em>
ADJ - Adjectival clauses: these are dependent clauses that act as an adjective, describing a noun in a sentence. In this way, they modify the noun. The head of these clauses is a relative pronoun, which links them to the word they describe: <em>that, where, when, who, whose, whom, which, why, </em>e.g <em>"My father is the man </em><u><em>who sold you the car</em></u><em>"</em>
N - Noun clauses: these are also dependent clauses, and they act as a noun. They may be the subject of a sentence, direct or indirect object, object of a preposition or predicate nominative. Noun clauses begin with words like <em>that, how, what, whatever, where, when, whether, which, whichever, who, whoever, whom, whomever, </em>and <em>why. </em>
A good technique to identify noun clauses is to replace them by the word "this or that".
Example: <em>"I heard </em><u><em>that trucks can no longer travel on Grove Street.</em></u><em>"</em>