<span>A type of deception in which one person withholds information that another person deserves to know is referred to as </span>omission.
Trigger words
Trigger words are words or phrases that a listener emotionally reacts to due to previous experience they've had where that particular word also played a role.
It awakens the subconscious of the listener as it flashes back his/her mind to the incident which happened where same word has occured before.
The answer is maintenance. Maintainance is considered a variable operating expense of an automobile. The more the car is being driven, the higher the expense for the maintenance since the tires are used and oil-lube are executed.
Insurance experts have estimated that extra costs of up to <u>$10,000</u> a year may be required to replace the services of a homemaker in a family with small children.
Not sure if you have choices, but this is Prader-Willi syndrome.
I would add that it is when lower prices are charged demand will always go up not down.