Understanding the Demand Curve
The demand curve will move downward from the left to the right, which expresses the law of demand — as the price of a given commodity increases, the quantity demanded decreases, all else being equal.
The removal of her ovaries has caused the decrease in interest in sexual activities. Ovaries are the most important part of a female's reproductive system. These produce hormones such as estrogen which is the female's sex hormone. This causes a woman's drive to feel sexually attracted to her partner. Without the production of estrogen in the body, a decrease in interest sexually is experienced.
A person in a communal relationship with another is more likely to be concerned with the <em>non contingent </em>effect of helping. While a person in an exchange relationship with another is more likely to be concerned with the <em>contingent</em> effect of helping others.
<em>Communal relationships</em> are closely knitted relationships, such that occurs within family and partners. In a communal relationship, helping does not come with future expected benefits (non contingent) . Giving is done with an objective of ensuring the other person's need is met.
In an <em>Exchange relationship</em>, the effect of helping comes with future benefits of repayments. Giving is done with an objective of some future repayment. This type of relationship occurs among business partners. 'If person A does person B a favor today, it is expected that person B will repay the favor to person A in future.
D. shame and doubt
Shame and doubt: In psychology, the term "shame and doubt" is described as a part of the second stage i.e, "autonomy versus shame & doubt" and falls in the psychosocial development theory which was proposed by Erik Erikson. This stage generally starts between eighteen months of a child's life and lasts through two to three years of age and is focused on establishing a sense of "self-control". A child tries to be independent and if he or she isn't able to do so then he or she will experience "shame and doubt".
In the question above, Erikson would say that McKenzie is likely to develop a sense of shame and doubt.
The correct answer is True ok.. Bye