According to one source, a single almond will require about 1.1 gallons of water to grow, and one half-gallon carton of almond milk contains anywhere from 30 to a whopping 225 almonds.
show me the picture of the chart and I can tell you
Tahukah kamu, mengapa motor berhenti di depan lampu merah?
karena motornya direm. Coba kalau nggak direm bisa bahaya tuh.
Tebak binatang apa yang jago renang?
Bebek. Kalau ikan bukan renang tapi menyelam
Kenapa di rel kereta api ditaruh batu?
Soalnya kalau ditaruh duit nanti pada diambil.
Explain the question pls da dai punya
The spiders that survived the first pesticide spraying were resistant to the pesticide and when they reproduced most of their offsprings got the gene of pesticide resistance.