This scientific study revealed that predation is the dominant factor affecting prey population on cycling. Population cycles is the feature where populations rise and fall over a predictable period of time. For example there are some species where population numbers have reasonably predictable patterns of change. From the study depicted in the question; when snowshoe hares are scarce, many lynx leave their home range in search of food. An increased predation of the hare due to high populations of lynx and other predators increases the decline in the hare population.
<span>The twisted ladder shape of DNA is called a double </span>helix.
There are two types of planets. Terrestrial and Jovian planets. One thing is common in both of them.
Both the terrestrial and the Jovian planets possess a solid core, made mostly of metallic and/or rocky material.
Hope it helps
I would say c would be the best.
She will have 23 chromosomes in her egg cells.