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For the given program, how many print statements will execute?
public static void printShippingCharge(double weight) { if((weight > 0.0) && (weight <= 10.0)){ System.out.println(weight * 0.75); }
else if((weight > 10.0) && (weight <= 15.0)) { System.out.println(weight * 0.85); }
else if((weight > 15.0) && (weight <= 20.0)) { System.out.println(weight * 0.95); } }
public static void main(String args[]) {
printShippingCharge(25); }
Two of the print statements will output values
These two calls to the printShippingCharge are the ones that will output values: printShippingCharge(18); and printShippingCharge(6);
The first if statement is true when the value of weight is 6 (weight > 0.0) && (weight <= 10.0)
The Third if statement is true when weight is 18 (weight > 15.0) && (weight <= 20.0)
NOTE: That I made correction to the variable weight. The question isn't consistent with the variable name. It used weight and itemWeight at different points this will lead to a compiller error
Nuclear Fusion reactors may reach the prototype commercial stage
, The causes and possible treatment of Alzheimers Disease and Partial cloning of human organs for transplant therapy
Fusion may be an energy technology that seems to be perpetually coming over the horizon, but projects around the world such as SPARC are getting increasingly close to reactors that, although smaller in capacity, can produce net positive power in just a few years. To help accelerate discovery of permanent cure for Alzheimers, an alliance of pharmaceutical companies, nonprofit foundations and government advisers, has developed a partnership to share data from Alzheimer's clinical trials. This would definitely pave way for the permanent cure for Alzheimer. The most common method of therapeutic and reproductive cloning is somatic cell nuclear transfer (SCNT). SCNT involves separating the nucleus from a donor egg, and replacing it with the DNA from the organism meant to be cloned. Scientists could potentially clone organs with SCNT by cloning embryos, extracting the stem cells from the blastocyst, and stimulating the stem cells to differentiate into the desired organ. these three scientific and technological advancements are possible.
This is a project I already submitted, but I never received feedback. All my upcoming assignments will be based on this, so I wanted to make sure it is correct. I got this program to work as far as calculating the information, but I was hoping someone could please let me know if it meets the parameters/requirements?
I did attempt it. It works and adds the items exactly how the example showed in the video. However, I wanted to make sure my code is solid, and not just a mishmash or working because I got lucky, and if there is a better more solid way to do this I want to make sure I can. I do want feedback so I can learn and get better and I am trying my hardest. I always right out all the code I see here and try it and learn what it does piece by piece, because it helps me learn and improve. I also want to make sure it is going to work once I start the code for the next half of the requirements.
i cant really help they dont let us put codes on here