Parliament responded by enforcing the Coercive Acts of 1774.
When the Boston Tea Party took place, Parliament was furious. Hence, they passed the Coercive Acts of 1774, which included 4 different statements:
The Boston Port Act stated that until damages from the Boston Tea Party were paid off, the Boston Ports would be closed.
The Massachusetts Government Act restricted Massachusetts, stating that democratic town meetings turned the government council into an appointed body.
The Administration of Justice Act stated that any British Official was immune to criminal prosecution in Massachusetts.
The Quartering Act required colonists to house British soldiers on demand, and possibly using their private homes as a last resort.
Those are the 4 Technical Acts of the Coercive Acts of 1774, but there's a 5th act that correlates.
The Quebec Act extended freedom of of worship to Catholics in Canada, as well as letting Canadians carry on with their judicial system. It was added to the Coercive Acts of 1774 later after the Acts were passed, and it enraged the Sons of Liberty that much more.
La respuesta correcta a esta pregunta abierta es la siguiente.
Las principales diferencias entre el estado de derecho liberal y el estado social de derecho son estas.
El Estado de Derecho Liberal surge a consecuencia de los regímenes absolutistas que dominaron por un tiempo en distintas naciones que tenían monarquías absolutas, en donde el poder del rey era supremo e incuestionable. El Estado Liberal considera que las libertades de los ciudadanos son necesarias en un régimen de participación democrática y en donde existe una separación de poderes que garantice a justicia y facilite una economía basada en el libre mercado.
El Estado Social de Derecho busca dar prioridad al bienestar social de las personas, en lugar de poner énfasis en modelos económicos liberales. El Estado social se enfoca más en la igualdad social, el reparto más equitativo de la riqueza y el trato justo a los trabajadores.
Chinese subjects were forced to adopt the customs of the Mongolia people.
B. <u>"a collection of tribes who began crossing the Hindu Kush into India in 1500 BCE"</u>