The word Symbolism find in a paper of language arts.
Option B
Language arts (otherwise called as English language arts or the ELA) are the investigation and improvement of expressions of language. Generally, the essential divisions in language arts are language and literature, where the language for this situation alludes to both linguistics, and specific dialects.
Language arts guidance commonly comprises of a group of listening, speaking, writing (composing), and reading. In schools, language art is taught along with mathematics, social studies, history, and science.
The last of the 13 colonies to be founded, Georgia began as a line of fortress towns, creating a buffer between English settlers in the Carolinas and the Spanish in Florida. Created as a land for English debtors to start fresh in the New World, Georgia was a land filled with promise.
Voting and elections are subjects that have their own special language. This glossary defines some of the unique terms that you may encounter during an election season.
Ballot — A list of candidates and proposed laws that voters mark to make choices. A ballot may be made of paper and marked with a pen or hole punch or it may be electronic and voters mark their choices with the push of a button or by touch screen.
Ballot Initiative — A proposed law drafted by citizens and placed on the ballot to be approved or rejected by voters. Ballot initiatives are usually drafted by a group of voters who are passionate about a particular issue.