civil rights are granted by governments to ensure civil liberties
without the civil rights, basically all civilians will live without any liberties because the governments will have too much power over their people. Without civil rights, if you're a hindrance for the government, they could easily just kill you like in North Korea
Saving allows the person to save more money and investing allows the person to acquire more money
Gender pay gap.
One of the problems that Feminism has shown is that inexplicably men and women aren't paid the same amount of money for doing the same job. Resourch proved that women in higher positions also get paid less than the men that there are in lower positions. In that sense, boss women are paid less than worker men.
This difference is often justified for women who participate in part-time jobs and have long absences (due to pregnancy and the cares towards the baby). But this isn't the case for all women. So what are the reasons for this difference, when men and women are working the same and have the same experience? There are many since not hiring women for the maternity leave or paying them less for this, gender stereotypes (that usually is sutil) and the direct discrimination (and when this happen, is easier to report).
In the chart, from 2009, we can see the median weekly earnings of full-time wage and salary workers, by sex, race, and ethnicity. This demonstrate that not only for being women get paid less but it can also be for their ethnicity.
In conclusion, this is a problem that isn't resolved and is been studied with many perspectives to see if this is just another type of discrimination against women.
These lines are from the short story "The Three Trees".
The short story of "The Three Trees" is a moral story about life and how things may turn up, but just not how we want them to. Revolving around the plot of Jesus Christ's life, the three trees were given lives and identities within the story of Christ.
In the beginning of the story, the three trees have their heads full of plans and hopes. The first wanted to be a treasure chest, the second wanted to be a mighty ship while the third just wanted <em>"to grow to be the tallest and straightest tree in the forest"</em>. But none of their plans came true when they were cut down. Later on after many years, they all served their purposes, their hopes came true-
(a) The first tree held the most precious of treasures when Jesus was born and placed in the box made out of the first tree.
(b) The second tree was used as a fishing boat by Jesus and his disciples when Jesus calmed the storm.
(c) And the third became the cross which hold Jesus when he was crucified.
Though they may not become exactly what they had wished for, they still end up doing the thing they most wanted to achieve. Likewise, our plans may not succeed immediately but God has plans for us which will become true, but "<em>just not in the way [we may] have imagined</em>."
Answer and Explanation:
A. Oligarchy: commoners elect a representative which the upper class approves of, and only the upper class can veto laws
B. Oligarchy: Upper class chooses a representative and holds more power than the commoners.
C. Representative Democracy: Citizens elect representatives who cast votes on their behalf, tribunes had the power to veto any laws, and all laws had to be displayed in a public place.
D. Representative Democracy: a representative is chosen from both classes to represent each group equally.
A. Oligarchy is a form of government where the upper-class constitute the government and the lower class are ruled by the upper class
B. This is also oligarchy
C. Representative democracy or indirect democracy is democracy whereby lawmakers are elected by citizens and then vote for laws and make laws on behalf of/in representation of the people.
D. This is also representative democracy.