One situation that would definitely NOT lead to an increase in productivity is
D. an increase in the cost of factors of production .
An increase in the cost of production would rather lead to a decrease in productivity - it would make the production more difficult.
Answer: Salvia (Salvia officinalis), también llamada salvia común o salvia de jardín, hierba aromática de la familia de la menta (Lamiaceae) cultivada por sus hojas picantes. La salvia es originaria de la región mediterránea y se usa fresca o seca como saborizante en muchos alimentos, particularmente en rellenos para aves y cerdo y en salchichas.
La salvia se encuentra en su estado natural salvaje de España.
The civil war gave slaves their freedom and it made the rest of the world respect everyones rights. It was a step forward in the fight for civil rights. It also left the south very weak.
obedience is listening to authority
Basically, Other people's buisness is no one else's buisness and nobody's business is your business. So basicallt it means your really nosy