Mitochondria is the powerhouse of a cell
Step 1: Copy of one side of DNA strand is made (called mRNA, messenger RNA)
step 2: mRNA moves to cytoplasm, then ribosome
step 3: mRNA goes through ribosome 3 bases at a time
step 4: transfer RNA (tRNA) matches up with the open DNA bases
step 5: tRNA releases the amino acid at the top, which joins the chain of amino acids being produced
The nurse have noted that the patient might have anorexia nervosa due
to low body mass index, due to malnutrition a delayed onset of menstruation may
result. Anorexia is an eating disorder characterized by low weight and a strong
desire to be thin. Another assessment finding is that the patient might have
type 1 diabetes mellitus where there is a risk of developing amenorrhea caused by interruption in the
hypothalamic-pituitary-ovarian-uterine axis.