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A genotype refers to the genetic characteristics of an organism. A phenotype refers to the physical characteristics. For example, having blue eyes (an autosomal recessive trait) is a phenotype; lacking the gene for brown eyes is a genotype.
Codominance is a result of cross-breeding different color animals that have the exact same DNA.
A frog is a carnivorous amphibian having a five-stage life cycle, whereas a butterfly is an insect having a four-stage life cycle. The difference...
A frog is a carnivorous amphibian having a five-stage life cycle, whereas a butterfly is an insect having a four-stage life cycle. The difference...See full answer below.♥️
The function of the digestive system is digestion and absorption. Digestion is the breakdown of food into small molecules, which are then absorbed into the body. The digestive system is divided into two major parts: The digestive tract (alimentary canal) is a continuous tube with two openings: the mouth and the anus.