My anwser would be no.
1. Not always the adults must follow the advices; or otherwise childrens would be thinking "Oh, my parents allowed me to do this, and this!", not gonna happen or the parents parenting rules will be changed.
2. Childern should be allowed to speak freely to adults: I don't think that's right at all.. If they do, then it'll include cussing, inapproiated words, or anything that will make their parents upset, angry, or shocked.
3. More money should be spent on funding war: No- If someone compared a war, then you could try to help by giving U.S Military some supplys. But funding war? ; I don't think it will be possible. (Based what I think.)
(Hope it help, have a good day-)
He invited both groups and worked in arbitration.
The Strike carried out by the United Mine workers of America in the coalfields of Pennsylvania. Miners demanded for shorter workdays, higher wages and the recognition of their union. They also threatened to stop the coal supply to American cites. It was winter during the time of strike and most of the houses in US were heated with anthracite coal. To end the strike US Federal Government acted as a neutral arbitrator and the miners got 10 percent hike in their wages and the working hours were reduced from ten to nine hours. The owners also received a better price for their coal. It was the first dispute in which Federal government involved itself.
Nagkaroon ng isang mahusay outcryin. Ang baluktot backs ituwid up, matanda, at bata ay tinatawag na mga alipin at maaaring lumipad sumali sa mga kamay. Say tulad nila singsing-aawit ngunit hindi nila shuffle sa isang bilog.
C) Reestablished controls on prices, wages, and rents.
In 1946, a joint resolution of Congress extended the price controls enacted during World War II for an extra year past their initially planned end date, in order to help as the country transitioned to a peacetime economy. The government wanted to get away from price controls, but didn't want to do so too abruptly. The joint resolution (passed in July, 1946), included this statement: "It is hereby declared to be the policy of the Congress that the Office of Price Administration, and other agencies of the Government, shall use their price, subsidy, and other powers to promote the earliest practicable balance between production and the demand therefor of commodities under their control, and that the general control of prices and the use of subsidy powers shall, subject to other specific provisions of this Act, be terminated as rapidly as possible consistent with the policies and purposes set forth in this section and in no event later than June 30, 1947, and on that date the Office of Price Administration shall be abolished.
So there was a temporary extension of the price control measures, reestablished or extended by the joint resolution of Congress.
I believe the answer is C. Hope this helps