Explanation:10 smaple runs and 2
Debian based Linux distribution is a free distribution software and an operating system. It is composed of a open source and free source software. It is one of the most popular distributions.
A computer file name is a unique system of identifying the computer stored file in the file system. The names of the different file system have different formats or extensions in the file name and imposed different file restrictions.
In the context, the full path and the file name of a file that displays a time zone settings on a Debian Linux distribution is " ../etc/timezone".
Data transformation is the process of changing the format, structure, or values of data.
Generations of Computers
The computers of today find their roots in the second half of the twentieth century. Later as time progressed, we saw many technological improvements in physics and electronics. This has eventually led to revolutionary developments in the hardware and software of computers. In other words, soon the computer started to evolve. Each such technological advancement marks a generation of computers.