13:a. 15:c. 14:Unknown answer
All the pirates uses their individual key and lock for the locking down of each the four sides of the lid of to the chest. Among the pirates, if three of them decides to open their latches, they can be able to lift the top by essentially using the fourth (locked) latch as a hinge to open the top. (We have several solutions or ways to do this.)
See explaination
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
int main()
FILE * file_object;
char file_name[100];
char ch;
int characters=0, words=0;
printf("Enter source file name: ");
scanf("%s", file_name); //asking user to enter the file name
file_object = fopen(file_name, "r"); //open file in read mode
if (file_object == NULL)
printf("\nUnable to open file.file not exist\n"); //check if the file is present or not
while ((ch = fgetc(file_object)) != EOF) //read each character till the end of the file
if (ch == ' ' || ch == '\t' || ch == '\n' || ch == '\0') //if character is space or tab or new line or null character increment word count
characters++; //else increment character count this assures that there is no spaces count
printf("The file story.txt has the following Statistics:\n"); //finally print the final statistics
if (characters > 0)
printf("Words: %d\n", words+1); //for last word purpose just increment the count of words
printf("Characters (no spaces): %d\n", characters);
fclose(file_object); //close the file object
return 0;
There are pros and cons to using special characters in email subject lines. Generally, marketers report higher open rates.
Some report better engagement, but many don’t.
There are also reports of special characters causing problems with deliverability, mostly because spammers became very fond of special characters for a while.