An investment readily convertible to a known amount of cash
Cash equivalents are items usually recognized in the balance sheet along with cash (then names Cash and cash equivalent) that are readily or easily convertible to cash at an amount that is measurable.
Examples of cash equivalents include commercial papers, bank certificate of deposit, treasury bills usually with a tenor of 3 months or less etc.
Cash equivalents are assets and help improve the company's liquidity.
As DVDs become popular as a substitute for the video cassettes, we will be expecting that the demand for the video cassettes will likely to "decrease". People found out and observed that DVDs has a better performance and can produce a good quality of sound. The prices of the two almost the same but the quality are different.
Both curves shifts rightwards.
When there is an improvement in the technological process then this will to increase the production level of the goods. Technological advancement increases the potential of an economy which in turn increases the supply of goods at the same price level. Improvement in the technological process increases the economy's productivity.
This will shift the short run aggregate supply curve and long run aggregate supply curve rightwards.
In citing the source in MLA format, Fatima should place the
title as the first to be read or written, followed by the author and citation
in the end. So it should be, “Benefits of Laptops” by Michael Gray. Technology
Now, August 2, 2013. Web. March 16, 2014.
That’s a busy day lol. The person slept from 2-9am slept for 7hours. The 3:30-4 slept for 30minutes.