Artificial Intelligence.
Automated personal digital assistant.
THz frequencies for Communications (5G & 6G)
Virtual reality and augmented reality.
Internet of Things (IoT)
Visible light communication.
Authentication can be done by the issuer of the security.
What do you mean by authentication?
Authentication is the act of proving an assertion, such as a computer system user's identification. Authentication is the process of verifying a person's or thing's identity, as opposed to identification, which is the act of indicating that identity. It could entail validating personal identification documents, verifying the authenticity of a website with a digital certificate, carbon dating an artefact, or guaranteeing that a product or document is not counterfeit.
Only a party with access to particular company documents may authenticate a mutilated certificate. It is most likely the issuer, but it could also be the transfer agent or registrar.
To learn more about authentication
The boom of online courses, where anyone can learn from the comfort of one’s own home or office at their own chosen time is the main cause. When online courses made their foray a decade ago, the same question of technology replacing teachers in schools emerged as a major argument. However, if we ask you today whether calculators can replace mathematics teachers at school, what would you say? Sounds weird, right! Do you think calculators which are also a kind of a technological advancement only, are capable enough of themselves, so as to replace the teachers? The answer is obvious. It’s an obvious No!
Technological convergence is a term describes the layers of abstraction that enable different technologies t inter operate efficiently as a converged system. Convergent services such as VoIP, IPTV, Smart TV and others tend to replace the older technologies.
As a feature of society convergence can spur economic growth and change how people communicate on a global basis. A good way t evaluate the previous generations, items such as CD player, cassette deck, console TV or corded telephone each served only one function, whereas a single modern handheld computing device can meld several of those functions with hardly any user intervention required.