You’re so lazy, instead of sitting around all day you should start doing your homework. Those grades are really bad too, so get up and start being productive instead of being lazy!
I think Christopher Columbus should be considered a hero. because he risked his life to explore the unknown for his country tho he didn't have anything to do with finding America the fact that he was actually brave enough to go out there and explore was pretty brave. when I say he dident have anything to do with America read this \/
- His intentions weren't to discover the Americas (which were already discovered by Leif Ericcson and others), or to prove the Earth was round (Which has already been proven long ago, and despite popular belief, even the Bible says the Earth is round.)
- He thought that the Carribean was the Spice Islands. He eventually realized that this was the Americas, but even on his third visit, he still thought he was somewhere close to India or China.
- He only landed in the West Indies and in South America. He never sat foot on the continent of North America, and he has absolutely NOTHING TO DO WITH THE UNITED STATES!-from
the national women's political party
First proposed by the National Woman's political party in 1923, the Equal Rights Amendment was to provide for the legal equality of the sexes and prohibit discrimination on the basis of sex.
It helped him come up with his famous theory of gravity and the laws of gravity.