D. Growth. Material forming cells or tissue like cytoplasm.
<span>Most elephant shrew species were first describedin the 1800s by scientists who ... DNA evidence is very conclusive and some say 99% accurate, however it is possible to challenge it based upon faulty collection and/or faulty lab techniques.</span><span>
Producers : Cactus, Sagebrush, annual flowers
Level 1 consumers: Ants, Beetles, Kangaroo rats.
Level 2 consumers: Chuckwalla, Tarantulas, Scorpions
Level 3 consumers: Common king snake, Gila monster, Turkey
Level 4 consumers: Vulture, Hawk, Fox
Decomposers: Bacteria
the appearance of the peacock shows he is healthy, and if the peahen mates with him, it is likely that their offspring will also be born healthy. you would want to reproduce with the fittest individuals of your species and guarantee your species will continue to thrive.