During the course of a continuous isometric contraction of given strength, the electrical activity progressively increases. This is due to recruitment of motor units taking place to compensate the decrease in force of contraction occurring in the fatigued muscle fibres.
I think it’s true but I could be wrong
Carbondioxide gas.
Carbondioxide gas is actually cycled in a web of organisms, The plants takes carbondioxide gas for the process of photosynthesis, this plant is eaten by herbivores for energy and carbondioxide is released in the process of respiration. After that, carnivores feed on these herbivores and oxygen is used in the breakdown of food for releasing energy and carbondioxide gas is also released from the body through breathing so the cycle of carbondioxide gas is continue.
The rough ER
Generally the formation of native disulphide bond is essential for the folding and maturation of proteins in the secretory pathways.These bonds are formed in the rough E.R, and also in the intramembrane of the mitochondria.
Basically an oxdative parthways is required for the disulfide bond to form, while a reductive pathway is needed for the formation of isomers for non-native disulphide bonds. These oxidative pathways takes place in the rE.R
Generally the disulphide bonds is usually formed by oxidation of two cysteines bonds. it does not occur in the cytoplasm because it is always in reduced state due to the presence of disulphide reductase. The same explains why it does not occur in the Nuclei