False. A <span>philanthropist</span> is person who seeks to promote the welfare of others, especially by the generous donation of money to good causes.
The Tet Offensive, The battle of Khe Sanh, My Lai massacre
La Segunda Guerra Mundial terminó con la rendición incondicional de los poderes del Eje. El 8 de mayo de 1945, los Aliados aceptaron la rendición de Alemania, aproximadamente una semana después de que Adolf Hitler se hubiera suicidado. VE Day - Victoria en Europa celebra el final de la Segunda Guerra Mundial el 8 de mayo de 1945
Although William Jennings Bryan lost the elections in 1896, the living and working conditions of the farmers improved remarkably. This happened because, first through the Farmers Alliance and then through the Populist Party, the farmers began to claim their rights and, although slowly, their claims began to be heard by the state and federal governments.