One particular group of hypocrites was the Puritans, who traveled from Europe to make the perfect society in what is now New England in the 17th Century. The Puritans had a religious lifestyle devoted to the Bible, but that same lifestyle was a hypocritical one that ultimately led to the decline of their society.
No proper police force existed before the 16th century. It was the responsibility of the victim and local community to find the criminal themselves. It was expected that communities would be responsible for policing and combatting crime.
10th century
Hywel Dda was a Welsh ruler in the 10th century. He unified most of Wales under his leadership. He also wrote Wales’ first uniform legal system. After the Norman Conquest, the Laws of Hywel Dda continued as the basis of the Welsh legal system.
In 1284 the Statute of Rhuddlan enforced the use of English law for all criminal cases in Wales. However, the Laws of Hywel Dda continued to be used for civil cases until 1540.
By 1500 most of the population still lived in rural communities or small towns. However, the feudal system was in decline and parishes were increasingly used as a way to organise and control local matters rather than the Lord of the Manor.
Although parishes were religious organisations, throughout the 16th century, Tudor Governments gave them increasing powers in local matters. For example, in 1555, parishes were responsible for the upkeep of nearby roads, whilst the 1601 Poor Relief Act (Poor Law) outlined the responsibility of the parish to look after its own poor. Also under the Act, parishioners were appointed by JPs to serve as overseers of the Poor Law for one year.
In the 16th and 17th centuries, individual towns and parishes took greater responsibility for combating crime and policing the nation.
Lumber iron and whale oil
The Maya civilization
The Maya civilization which was a Mesoamerican civilization formulated by the Maya peoples. They are recognize for their highly developed way of writing during the era which is the use of logosyllabic script.
This period saw Maya people cultivating some crops which is consumed in large quantities by the people,crop like maize, beans, squashes, and chili peppers. During this period, Development of Maya cities also occur during this era and this includes monumental architecture like Large temples e.t.c.