The correct answer and order of events is the following
1. - The Buddha traveled miles from Bodh Gaya to spread Buddhism. It is believed that Siddartha visited Bodh Gaya before attaining enlightenment in 500 BCE. So he started spreading Buddhism shortly after that.
2. - Ashoka became the emperor of the Mauryan Empire. Ashoka ruled the Mauryan Empire and most of the Indian subcontinent between the years 268 BCE and 232 BCE.
3. - Ashoka built Buddhist schools and temples. Ashoka officially converterted to Buddhism after the Kalinga War, in 262 BCE. After he saw the death and destruction of that war he embraced Buddhism and devoted to ahimsa (non-violence). Once he was a devoted Buddhist he built Buddhist schools and temples.
I would say treason because the 13 colonies were still colonies of Great Britain who had authority over the colonies and it was not in their interests to have the colonies become independent at all from Britain,.