It is during the second major working phase that historians ask a big question, since this is phase after the preliminary research as been completed.
afarensis had both ape and human characteristics: members of this species had apelike face proportions (a flat nose, a strongly projecting lower jaw) and braincase (with a small brain, usually less than 500 cubic centimeters -- about 1/3 the size of a modern human brain)
the First Amendment does not actually promise you the right to say whatever you want, so it when you say blahblahblah first amentdment you can actually not say what ever you want
birluteijn avatar
It simply states the government can take no action that interferes with those rights.
For number 14 the answer would be B.
This is because her statement would be convincing. The reason it would be convincing is she had experience in that field.