The main idea of level of processing theory is that it focuses more on having to describe a particular thing than having to explain the whole idea. It is not objectively measured but rather it likely describes the idea or information.
They decided to leave Alba Longa and were searching for a new place to settle and to create their own city. In that process they had certain disagreements, which led at the end to the death of Remus and foundation of the city of Rome.
Brothers could not agree where the city should be built. During the quarrel Romulus killed Remus. From this period on Romulus reigned as the first king of Rome.
This was astrolabe; an instrument to predict the position of the stars, that could also be used to predict t one's position. The compass was invented in China.
C is the main resaons su:cide is also one! they took posion when they were scared and they would die from they posion but Gunshot wounds is the main one