In How the Other Half Lives, Jacob Riis: e: focused on the wretched conditions of New York City slums.
Jacob August Riis was born in May 3, 1849 in Ribe, Denmark and died in May 26, 1914.
He was a newspaper reporter with a knack of publicity and an abiding Christian faith a social reformer, and a photographer who shocked the conscience of his readers with factual descriptions of slum and squalid conditions in Tenements in New York through a book called How the Other Half Lives published in January 1890 Riis´ remarkable study of the horrendous living conditions of the poor in New York City had an immediate and extraordinary impact on society, inspiring reforms that affected the lives of millions of people as it describes how the system of tenement housing had failed, as he claims, because of greed and neglect from wealthier classes, and called on society to remedy the situation as a moral obligation and gave momentum to a sanitary reform movement.
The world, at the present moment, is in a great crisis because of the lack of the ability to discern right from wrong with the correct lenses. This is because of the different standard that are used to gauge right from wrong. In the word, sometimes the emphasis is more on the personal rights and privileges. Not doing away the need for personal rights and privileges, however, that need is overemphasis. For example, children can report parents if they want to discipline them. This results in a dysfunctional society where parents are at the mercy of rebellious children.
hope this helps
The word harmony means a state of peaceful existence and agreement. To be an agreement among different kinds of people or things is harmony. Nepal is a common place of different kinds of people. There is mutual understanding, help and cooperation among them. So, the unity in diversity is the prime key to social harmony in Nepal.
Nepal is a multilingual, multicultural and multireligious and multiracial country. The people with distinct languages, races, cultures and religion inhabit in the same societies here. But there is no quarrel, fight, discrimination among them. They are living together from long time. The people who belong to various languages and races respect and love each other. Many languages are spoken in Nepal. The people have been divided into different castes and sub-castes. They own their unique languages being used by them for ages. There is no hatred between the races. The people speaking one language seem to be willing to learn other languages. Different castes and sub-castes own their unique cultures and follow different religious. The people who follow different cultures and religious do not possess hatred and hostility to other ones. Various festivals belonging to different cultures and religious are celebrated together. It ultimately fosters unity, fraternity, friendship, closeness respect and love among them.
We see or hear news of fight, murder and war in the name of religion and caste in the world but there is no such situation. Unity or national unity plays the prime role to develop the country. Social harmony strengthens national unity. Similarly, unity lessens hostility, hatred, conflict, mistrust, destruction and ruins; rather it consolidates co-operation, trust, brotherhood, friendship and so on. Social harmony builds up and boosts up the rights and freedom of the people. Social harmony in Nepal absolutely develops human prosperity and civilization.
Human is a social being by nature. Social harmony is a crucial element to introduce and maintain peace, freedom and justice in human society. A society with social harmony is a just or ideal Society. Inhumane and hostile activities may not exist in the society If the people are united with true spirit, love and brotherhood and social harmony.
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A social problem is defined as a negative situation that affects all individuals in the same society.
A social problem such as unemployment, affects the life of the individual and society in relevant ways.
- Consequences of unemployment for the individual:
- Development of mental illnesses such as anxiety and depression.
2. Consequences of unemployment for society:
- Greater population impoverishment.
Therefore, it is concluded that each social problem generates negative consequences that directly affect individual and collective life, such as the example of unemployment, there are direct consequences on the individual's quality of life, such as the development of psychological problems that lead to greater demotivation and it can lead to more serious health problems.
In the social sphere, unemployment increases the formation of underemployment, which harms the economy of a country as a whole, due to the absence of fundamental rights and absence of contribution, which contributes to an economic recession and negative aspects such as increased crime and insecurity.
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The documents you need to make a passport are, a driver license, photocopy of important documents and a government/military issued card (only if you have one)
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