The right answers are:
The industrial growth boosted economic growth in parts of Europe.
The new industrial technologies improved means of transportation.
<em>The Industrial Revolution created an increase in production brought about by the use of machinery and characterized by the use of innovative energy sources. </em>
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<em>Before the industrial revolution, most of the world’s population was engaged in farming. Today, less and less of the U.S. population identify themselves as farmers.</em>
<em>The innovations of the Industrial Revolution were intimately interconnected, processes were mechanized using water power, until the steam engine came along to make flying shuttles really automated in enourmous cotton mills. </em>
<em>The most successful steam engine was built by Thomas Newcomen to clear water out of mines. And because water was cleared out of those mines, there was more coal to power more steam engines, which eventually led to the fancying up of the Newcomen Steam Engine by James Watt, whose engine made possible not only railroads and steamboats but also ever-more-efficient cotton mills.</em><em> </em>