The ways in which the municipality manage waste in our community are:
1. Municipality has alloted a community bin. To discard all the wastes in a particular dustbin, mixes both the biodegradable and non-biodegrabale wastes. Therefore, we must keep seperate dustbins for such wastes.
2. Instead of throwing the biodegradable waste in the dustbin, we can dig a pit in the ground and throw the wastes like vegetable peels in this pit. This process degrades such wastes by the action of microorganisms and can make manure out of it.
3. In many areas, plastic bags are still used.
Strict action should be taken by the municipality for using plastic bags. We must carry our own jute or cloth bag to carry items.
4. Industrial wastes should not be discarded in the water bodies. The wastes pollutes the water and also chokes the aquatic animals to death.
5. Hospital wastes should be discarded separately as the used things may lead to spread of a disease. One should ensure to decontaminate the waste before throwing in the dustbin.
<h3>answer is false.the bile juice plays important role in fats.bile juice is stored in sac called gall bladder.</h3>
To change behavior, mood, and emotions.
law against smoking in public places