The state of nature used in moral and political philosophy as a concept to denote the hypothetical conditions of what the lives of people when it comes to the aforementioned as well as religion, social contract theories could have been like before societies came to be.
Philosophers supporting the state of nature theory believe that there must have been a time before organized societies even existed, and this presumption makes us wonder questions such as...
"What was life like before a society?"
"How did government first come to be from such a position?"
"What are the hypothetical reasons for entering a state of society and eventually a nation-state"
El Estado de naturaleza es un concepto de moral y filosofía política usado en la religión, teorías contractualistas y de ley internacional.1 Es una hipótesis metodológica que consiste en remontarse a la hipotética situación del hombre antes de la instauración del estado civil, esto es, del derecho, de la autoridad política y, según el caso, también de las normas morales. De este modo, se pretende dilucidar la situación natural de los hom
A 0 on Kinsey’s Sexual Orientation Scale would determine that the test taker is exclusively heterosexual. This means that he or she is and only is physically and sexually attracted to people of opposite sex. No signs of homosexuality is seen with people on this scale.