Studying in a public place like a station or bus is the worst. And studying in a library or home is the best. studying in a bus or station is worst because there are, at most times, noisy people around. The more unnecessary noise the less focused you are. And studying at home or a library is way better. The library is quiet so you wouldn't have to worry about not concentrating; being at home may be better because the familiar surroundings keep you comfortable.
The correct answer is B. 's
In the English language, one of the most common ways to express a noun owns something is by using the apostrophe. However, this follows strict rules, indeed in the case of singular nouns that do not end in "s" the possessive is formed by adding the apostrophe followed by an "s" or 's, for example in Maria's house. On the other hand, if the singular noun already ends in "s" only the apostrophe is added as in Charles' house. In the case of plural nouns, similar rules apply as if the noun does not end in "s" the apostrophe and the "s" need to be added as in children's needs or men's ideas. Therefore, the possessive of plural nouns that do not end in s are formed by adding 's.
<u>3</u><u>)</u><u>Frequency</u><u> </u>
Well I would say do an event that is most signifigant to you. It could be a Tragic or Happy memory, or one that is simply close to your heart.
C. Paraphrase does not contain a direct quotation but still gives the general gist of the quote.