The three primary systems that make up the human body's movement are the skeletal (articular) system, the muscular system, and the neurological system (central and peripheral).
<h3>What exactly is the nervous system?</h3>
- The control centre of your body is your neurological system.
- It is controlled by your brain and governs your actions, thoughts, and automatic reactions to your environment.
- Additionally, it regulates other bodily functions and systems, including digestion, breathing, and sexual development (puberty).
- The central nervous system's organs are the brain and spinal cord.
<h3>What are the nervous system's functions?</h3>
- Signals are sent from the brain to the rest of the body, including the internal organs, via the nervous system.
- In this way, the nervous system regulates a variety of functions, including the ability to move, breathe, see, and think.
learn more about nervous system here
the flu cannot be "Cured" but can oly be surpressed so it in inactive. only the body white blood cells can kill and fully remove the virus.
this is questiponed because it is true that it is limited to only one person, but this person may not of even had the flue to begin with. the the second question is which flue did the person have. swine flu is deadly and cannot be removed with antibodies or antibiotics. which is a pain because this flue kills the body.
the second things that is questioned is, is the antibiotic stable enough for everyone?
everyone has a different immune structured in different ways. some antibiotics will not help certain people because of the lack of lipids and enzymes in the hosts blood. this can be fatal because the body has a natural buffer in the blood that the antibiotic can easily damage and kill the host.
Every human body will react differently.

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How the Scientific Method Works
Pasteur's Experiment
The steps of Pasteur's experiment are outlined below:
First, Pasteur prepared a nutrient broth similar to the broth one would use in soup.
The sence receptors for taste are taste receptors and these receptors are located in oral cavity!