In the two poems, the journey is a metaphor for life and passage into afterlife. In Ulysses Tennyson talks about how his life is nearing its end and how he's old now while in crossing the bar he talks about dying and going into afterlife. Both poems use the motif of journey on open seas to describe venturing into the unknown, that is, how life passes quickly as a journey does and the next stop on the journey is afterlife.
Gravity exerts a downwards force on the roots.
The limits on the powers of Congress are as follows:
1. The Congress is not allowed to pass laws post ex facto which means that the law cannot prosecute people for a something that was not considered a crime before.
2. Congress is denied the ability to pass bills of attainder meaning they are not allowed to prosecute criminals in special tribunals but only in regular court trials.
3. The Congress cannot suspend the writ of habeas corpus means that the Congress cannot deny the right of the criminals to stand before a judge and learn the charges they face that enables them to defend themselves.
That would be B: Ethical behavior