The correct answer is A.
Oswald Avery applied several biochemical techniques to large cultures of bacteria in order to extract and purify the "transforming principle". Their experiments showed that most probably the "transforming principle" was DNA. One of the observations leading to this conclusion was that enzymes that degrade proteins or RNA (such ribonucleases) had no effect on the "transforming principle". On the contrary, enzymes degrading the DNA destroyed the extract's transforming capacity.
The mitochondrion is a membrane-bound organelle that provides energy by ATP synthesis (oxidative phosphorylation)
The lysosome contains about 40 hydrolytic enzymes that help with cellular digestion.
The Golgi apparatus plays an important role in the excretion and packaging of vesicles.
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Eutrophication occurs due to the increased concentration of natural nutrients. Conversely, artificial eutrophication happens due to human activities.
<h3>Eutrophication and artificial eutrophication</h3>
Eutrophication is a biological phenomenon that occurs due to the increased concentration of natural nutrients such as algae in a water body.
Artificial eutrophication is a specific type of eutrophication process caused by human activities.
Artificial eutrophication can be caused, for example, for an excessive overload of fertilizers in a lake.
Learn more about eutrophication here:
The given blank can be filled with operator.
The proteins that assist in turning on or turning off the function of a specific gene by getting combined with certain sections of the DNA are known as transcription factors. The transcription factors that activate the transcription of a specific gene are known as activators, while that prevents transcription and is termed as repressors.
A repressor can be an RNA or a DNA binding protein, which prevents the articulation of genes by getting combined with the operator. A repressor, which binds with DNA prevents RNA polymerase from getting combined with the promoter, which further inhibits the transcription of the genes into mRNA.