D. First, students must fill out their health forms completely. Then, they must head to the gym for orientation.
Refer below.
The author use the figurative language of "coins" and "rain" in both the opening and closing lines of the poem (Line 1 and Lines 20-21) to help develop the poem's meaning so as to portray her memories about her granddad. Cisneros has utilized comparison, which is a hyperbole, all through the sonnet. The primary capacity of metaphor is to make a correlation with show the similitudes between two unique things. Besides, likeness is generally joined by words, for example, "as" and "like". In the content, there are two instances of this saying: "Abuelito who throws coins like rain" (line 1)/"is the rain on the room that falls like coins" (line 21). Likeness has helped the creator build up the importance of the sonnet, that is, to describe about specific recollections she has of her granddad or "abuelito", a warm term for a granddad in Spanish. For example, Cisneros utilized allegorical language and metaphor in line 1 to portray how her granddad played with her creation coins fall like raindrops from above.
The politician <u>refused</u><u> </u> to admit that we had done anything wrong.
Think of ways that you do things that other people do things differently than you.
Religion- different religions celebrate different holidays, different services (like church), some people aren't religious at all
Backgrounds/cultural identity- people come from all different places, some even from other countries. There are things like languages and foods and traditions that come with it
Social cliques- People tend to talk to those who are most like them, so there are different groups in environments of different people.
the ancient tale
In this poem, the Swan is a metaphor for the spiritual pursuit of one who treads the path of self-realization. The metaphor refers to the ability of the bird to move between different planes of reality (earth, water, air) without clinging to any of them.
In the poem Kabir indicates a place where the swan can be free of doubt and sadness, this place would be the heaven that the author compares with an old tale in the passage:
"There, woods flourish in everlasting spring,
And its fragrance makes us move forward more and more.
Immersed in it, the heart, like a bee, was inebriated.
Immense in her, she no longer wants any joy"