Answer is D) personification
The heat from the sun is personified, which means given human qualities. It is described as "beating down with a fierce vengeance". Acting out of vengeance is something a sentient being, such as a human, would do, so this is an example of personification.
The prosecutor, Mr. Gilmer, questions Heck Tate, who recounts how, on the night of November 21, Bob Ewell urged him to go to the Ewell house and told him that his daughter Mayella had been raped. When Tate got there, he found Mayella bruised and beaten, and she told him that Tom Robinson had raped her. Atticus cross-examines the witness, who admits that no doctor was summoned, and tells Atticus that Mayella’s bruises were concentrated on the right side of her face. Tate leaves the stand, and Bob Ewell is called.
Bob Ewell and his children live behind the town garbage dump in a tin-roofed cabin with a yard full of trash. No one is sure how many children Ewell has, and the only orderly corner of the yard is planted with well-tended geraniums rumored to belong to Mayella. An extremely rude little man, Ewell testifies that on the evening in question he was coming out of the woods with a load of kindling when he heard his daughter yelling. When he reached the house, he looked in the window and saw Tom Robinson raping her. Robinson fled, and Ewell went into the house, saw that his daughter was all right, and ran for the sheriff. Atticus’s cross-examination is brief: he asks Mr. Ewell why no doctor was called (it was too expensive and there was no need), and then has the witness write his name. Bob Ewell, the jury sees, is left-handed—and a left-handed man would be more likely to leave bruises on the right side of a girl’s face.
Atticus is trying to prove that Tom Robinson did not beat Mayella. Mayella and Bob are claiming that Tom Robinson beat and raped Mayella. She says that she had bruising on the right side of her face, meaning her attacker would have to be left-handed. Atticus asks Bob to write his name.
The hyphen is a punctuation mark used to show the important
connection between words or parts of words.
The hyphen is used to indicate compound adjectives placed before nouns
such as “well-rounded individual.” The
hyphen is used to indicate fractions such as “three-fifths.” The hyphen is used to indicate certain
numbers as in “forty-two.” The hyphen is used with all “self” words such as “self-confident.” And, the hyphen is used to break words at syllables
if appearing at the end of a line on a page such as how a hyphen would be placed
between the two “g’s” of “bigger” if bigger were to end a line and it needed to
be split for the sake of space on a page.
She changes into a humble and kind woman. She loses the entitlement attitude that she used to have and is now content. She becomes a maid and has to work for many years (10) to pay for the item. She becomes a hard worker to pay off her debt. Her husband would rather lead a simplistic life.
The necklace is really not expensive. It was imitation. Her husband has to now work two jobs - they do not know the truth yet.