H, I, E, B, F, A, C, G, D, J
If you need any explanation for any of the answers, feel free to comment on this message.
an exchange of diverging or opposite views, typically a heated or angry one.
a reason or set of reasons given with the aim of persuading others that an action or idea is right or wrong.
The “it” in the excerpt possibly refers to the neighborhood that the highway now conceals. However, in a figurative sense, the “it” could refer to the speaker’s culture. This culture was anaspect of her life that she wasn’t too proud of while growing up, but now, as an adult, she misses and respects it. Because of this, the “it” also represents the speaker’s identity.
from coursehero
The answer are the major characteristics of Modernism in Literature.
Modern literature has a strong and international break with tradition against established religious, political, social views with no connection with history or institution and no things as absolute truth-all are relative with all individualists making their own meaning in the world.
By examining the characteristics of Modern literature from the perspective of these Crane's "The bride comes to yellow Sky,"Yeats' "Second Coming," Frost's "Death of a Hired Man, " or Green's "The Destructors, indicated the following characteristics form of modern literature...
1) Literature exhibits perspectives - meaning which comes from the individuals perspective
2) Interiority is represented - meaning inner psychology, stream of consciousness
3) Perception of language change - meaning language is "thick" with multiple meanings
4) Emphasis on the experimental - meanig its open ending, note of pessimism, disillusionment and melancholy in writing, sense of fragmentation and loss of faith, use of symbol and scientific methodology, reflection of the modern chaos and confusion, the decay of plot and characters in writing, passion for humanity and humanitarianism.
well, first off, you would be treated as a minority, affecting how you think about you yourself, bringing down your confidence. you would probably feel sad, because if only a few other people know it, communicating would be hard. Like, when you go to the grocery store or out shopping, if you needed help with something, how would you ask? or a really bad scenario would be if you went to the ER, and your health problem wasn't obvious and it was internal. That could be dangerous.