The aunt disapproves of the bachelor's story because she disagrees with the moral message it gives to the children.
Expository essays should be FAIR to other points of view.
I might use translation software instead of paying some person to translate for me because that person could easily be telling me false information and I can just believe what they say, or they could not really be listening at all and just give me random things.
Advantages of using a human interpreter: You get the chance to learn a new language on your own from someone else.
Advantages of using translation software: The software is always right, is full of all words in each language, and is always on mobile devices so it can be used anywhere, anytime.
Can you be a little more specific
What it is saying is it is like having a peanut butter jelly sandwich without the bread. It is ridiculous and something that is needed to make a whole of something. So like per say, you have a teddy bear but you buy that teddy bear but it has no filling in it. So it's like claiming to be a car salesman, without the cars. I hope this helps, sorry if it doesn't make sense.