The human genome contains approximately 3 billion of these base pairs, which reside in the 23 pairs of chromosomes within the nucleus of all our cells. Each chromosome contains hundreds to thousands of genes, which carry the instructions for making proteins.
Please find the complete table attached as an image
This task is describing the processes of transcription and translation, which are the two processes involved in gene expression. The DNA of a human and cow is given in the table of the attached image and we're asked to transcribe into a complementary RNA, and subsequently translate into an amino acid using the CODON table (genetic code).
- Transcription is the process whereby DNA is used as a template for the synthesis of RNA based on complementary base pairing i.e. A-U, G-C, T-A etc.
- Translation is the process whereby RNA transcript is used to synthesize an amino acid sequence. The mRNA is read in a group of three nucleotides called CODON, where each of this codon specifies an amino acid.
The table has been completed and attached below. Note that in the amino acids row;
GLY means Glycine
ILE means Isoleucine
VAL means Valine
GLN means Glutamine
CYS means Cysteine
THR means Threonine
SER means Serine
PHE means Phenylalanine
ALA means Alanine
LEU means Leucine
The answer would be C, double fertilization produces a triploid zygote and a tripped endosperm!
Fatty acids and glycerol best describes the basic structure of lipids. Fatty acids is one of the major components of triglyceride. It is a form of lipids that is used to store energy. Fatty acids are composed largely of a chain carbon atoms bonded with hydrogen atoms. At one of the ends of fatty acids is called carboxyl group. In terms of number of carbons, they are typically an even numbers.